2020-2021 Catalog 
    Mar 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]

AVT 113 - Private Pilot Helicopter Simulation

Description: Introduction to helicopter flying and basic helicopter operations via simulation. Includes basic flight maneuvers, traffic patterns, departures, approaches, and emergency procedures in simulators.

Credits: 1
Lecture: 0
Lab: 3

Course Content:
  1. Use of flight controls
  2. Straight and level, climbs, turns, descents
  3. Introduction to traffic patterns
  4. Normal approaches and departures
  5. Go-arounds
  6. Simulated in-flight emergencies
  7. Helicopter aeronautical language

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Repeat engine and aircraft start up and shutdown procedures in a simulator. (1)
  2. Repeat basic aircraft maneuvers in a simulator. (2)
  3. Perform takeoff, traffic pattern, approach, and departure procedures in a simulator. (3-5)
  4. Show appropriate responses to simulated emergencies in a simulator. (6)
  5. Describe helicopter aeronautical language to the FAA Private Pilot standard. (7)

Required Assessment:
Oral examinations and Simulator procedure exams.