2020-2021 Catalog 
    Dec 21, 2024  
2020-2021 Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]

EDU 241 - Full Structured English Immersion Endorsement

Description: Structured English Immersion (SEI) theory, methods, and strategies as defined by the Arizona Department of Education. Along with EDU 240 meets requirements for the SEI Full Endorsement.

Credits: 3
Lecture: 3
Course Content:
  1. Law, history, principles, terminology, and the role of culture in learning and comprehension
  2. Introduction of Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) as it relates to student achievement and success
  3. English Learners Language (ELL) Proficiency Standards. Format and alignment of the Ell Proficiency Standards. Format and alignment of the ELL Proficiency Standards to the Arizona Language Arts (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing) Academic Standards
  4. Structured English Immersion (SEI) theory, methods and strategies (differentiated instruction and reciprocal teaching)
  5. Formal and informal assessment
  6. Analysis of data to differentiate instruction using "snapshots" of longitudinal data
  7. Coordination of parent, home and school resources

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Review of characteristics of the five stages of language acquisition and list theoretical principles. (1)
  2. Explain the legal, historical, and educational reasons and soundness of Structured English Immersion (SEI). (1)
  3. Explore the differences between BICS and CALP and discover methods for developing higher CALP. (2)
  4. Review basic SEI terminology and introduce appropriate new vocabulary. (1,3)
  5. Apply the format and the alignment of the English Language Learners (ELL) Proficiency Standards to the K-12 Arizona Academic Standards in Reading & Writing, and the ELL Standards for Listening & Speaking and use the standards to plan, deliver and evaluate instruction. (3)
  6. Identify and implement various strategies to improve student achievement in the core curriculum areas. (4)
  7. Analyze disaggregated test data to plan differentiated lessons and analyze test data to interpret and produce snapshots of longitudinal data and track student status and progress on the English Language Learners (ELL) proficiency standards using the Sanford English Language Proficiency (SELP). (4,6)
  8. Integrate diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments for English Language Learners (ELL) and create multiple methods of assessment. (5)
  9. Use assessment results for placement and accommodation for special education and gifted students. (6)
  10. Use standardized testing and language proficiency as methods for monitoring student progress. (5)
  11. Describe theory, methods and strategies in Differentiated Instruction and Reciprocal Teaching. (4,6)
  12. Identify the socio-cultural influences on English Language Learners (ELL), including language shift, identity issues, and the role of culture in learning and discuss the role of bilingualism and home language use. (1)
  13. Identify parental and community resources for aiding English acquisition and create ways to cultivate home and school partnerships. (7)
  14. Explore SEI theory, methods, strategies and techniques to integrate current curricular materials in English Language Development (ELD) instruction. (4)
  15. Analyze and apply vocabulary development approaches in the content areas, plan lessons based on prior knowledge, and adapt and sequence current curricular materials. (7)