2021-2022 Yavapai College Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]
COM 135 - Workplace Communication Skills Description: Oral and written workplace communication skills. Application of individual and group communication strategies to secure and maintain employment.
Prerequisites: Reading Proficiency
General Education Competency: Written Communication
Credits: 3 Lecture: 3 Course Content:
- Written Communication:
a. Letters of application, follow-up, offer/rejection, and/or acceptance/refusal
b. Application forms
c. Resumes
d. Outlines of presentations
e. Evaluations of self and peers in individual and small group presentations
f. Email ethics and etiquette.
- Oral Communication
a. Descriptions of effective communication and communication breakdown based on communication models
b. Giving and following instructions
c. Non-verbal communication experiments
d. Analyses of factors affecting communication
1. Listening activities
2. Denotation-connotation activities
e. Hypothetical job interviews
f. Large group discussions
g. Small group discussions
h. Decision-making
i. Informative and/or persuasive presentations
Learning Outcomes:
- Use listening skills and oral presentations as modes of discovery, reflection, understanding and sustained disciplined reasoning. (2d1)
- Generate organized, logical communication appropriate to the needs of a specific communication environment. (2b, 2d)
- Use precise writing, speaking and listening for a variety of audiences and purposes. (1d, 2d1, 2d2, 2i)
- Identify both the conscious and unconscious use of written, verbal and nonverbal communication. (1d, 2c)
- Identify and interpret discourse in specific communication environments. (1f, 2h)
- Express awareness of multiple meanings and perspectives of communication. (1f)
- Describe a basic human communication model and its applications in work situations. (2a)
- Prepare employment application materials. (1a, 1b, 1c)
- Apply job interviewing techniques. (2e)
- Apply communication skills in individual and group presentations. (1e, 2f,2g)