2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]

CHM 151 - General Chemistry I

CHM 1151.
Description: Exploration of chemical measurement, classification, stoichiometry, and structure/function relationships for inorganic, organic and biological materials. Chemical principles are presented at a level appropriate for science majors and pre-professional students.

Prerequisites: MAT 097  or higher or two years of high school algebra. Reading Proficiency.

General Education Competency: Scientific Literacy

Credits: 5
Lecture: 4
Lab: 3

Course Content:

  1. Scientific method and measurement

a. Observation, description, and experiment
b. The metric system
c. Problem solving using dimensional analysis

  1. Structure, properties, and classification of matter

a. Atomic structure and electron configurations
b. Elements, molecules, ions, and compounds,
c. Chemical formulas, equations, nomenclature

  1. Physical behavior of matter

a. Gases, liquids and solids
b. Solutions and electrolytes
c. Concentration, and dilution

  1. Stoichiometry and reactions

a. The mole concept
b. Writing and balancing chemical equations
c. Limiting reagent and reaction yield

  1. Chemical reactions and behavior

a. Acids and bases, oxidation and reduction

  1. Chemical bonding

a. Ionic vs. Covalent compounds
b. Lewis Structures
c. VSEPR and Valance Bond Theory
d. Molecular structure and properties

  1. Introductory aspects of organic, and biological chemistry

a. Hydrocarbons, structural formulas, functional groups

  1. Laboratory practice

a. Conventional and Instrumental analysis, experimental design, electronic data processing and scientific report writing.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Use scientific reasoning to evaluate physical and natural phenomena. (1-8)

a. Solve chemical problems using the concepts central to chemistry.
b. Draw conclusions regarding physical and chemical phenomenon through evaluation of data and observations.

  1. Identify the unifying themes of the scientific field of study. (1-8) 

a. Use scientific vocabulary to describe or identify chemical phenomenon.
b. Write equations that describe chemical change using accepted nomenclature and symbols.
c. Describe the major themes associated with concepts presented during the term of study.
d. Identify the correct analysis of a problem or explanation of a concept.

  1. Interpret the numerical and graphical presentation of scientific data. (1-8)

a. Use data to support a conclusion or interpretation.
b. Draw conclusions from chemical information presented on graphs.

  1. Use the tools and equipment necessary for basic scientific analysis and research. (8)

a. Use standard glassware and instruments to manipulate and measure chemical quantities.

  1. Record the results of investigation through writing. (8)

a. Write a report, using chemical literature norms, to document the result of an investigation.

Required Assessment:

  1. Students will complete a common comprehensive written final exam. Assessment will also include departmental pre-semester and post-semester evaluations. Instructors may utilize a variety of additional assessment measures including, but not limited to, quizzes, mid-term exams, written assignments, and homework. In all cases the required assessment measures will be outlined on the course syllabus.