2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog 
    Dec 21, 2024  
2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]

CNT 190 - Programming and Scripting for Network Admins

Description: Structured programming and scripting introduction with emphasis on application to network and server administration. Topics include algorithms, problem solving, Boolean logic, variables, control structures, and secure coding concepts. Python and PowerShell languages are covered.

Prerequisites: CNT 101  

Credits: 3
Lecture: 2
Lab: 2

Course Content:
  1. Introduction to programming and scripting
  2. Variables and data types
  3. Program control structures
  4. Strings and files
  5. Lists and dictionaries
  6. Functions
  7. Classes
  8. Network programming
  9. PowerShell basics
  10. Scripting with PowerShell

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Describe the features of an algorithm and write a simple program. (1)
  2. Use variables and data types in a program. (2)
  3. Write control structures and work with Boolean expressions. (3)
  4. Work with strings and text files. (4)
  5. Construct and manipulate lists and dictionaries. (5)
  6. Define a function, including recursive functions. (6)
  7. Define constructors and methods for classes. (7)
  8. Use IP addresses, ports and sockets in a network application. (8)
  9. Use basic PowerShell cmdlets. (9)
  10. Write scripts with PowerShell. (10)