2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog 
    Nov 08, 2024  
2022-2023 Yavapai College Catalog [PREVIOUS CATALOG YEAR]

EMS 265 - Paramedic Practicum II

Description: Designed as the precepted paramedic practicum in which the student synthesizes standard of care and scoep of practice with comprehensive assessment and diagnostic technology, patient advocacy, ethical and professional behavior, critical thinking and decision making, and patient management of medical emergencies and trauma in the out-of-hospital setting.

Corequisite: EMS 203 , EMS 267 , EMS 269 , EMS 273 , and EMS 273L 

Credits: 1
Lecture: 0
Lab: 2

Course Content:
  1. Paramedic standard of care and scope of practice 
  2. Comprehensive patient assessment 
  3. Patient advocacy 
  4. Ethical and professional behaviors 
  5. Differential diagnosis 
  6. Patient management; medical emergencies and trauma 

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Synthesize paramedic standard of care and scope of practice to perform comprehensive patient assessment in the out-of-hospital setting. (1, 2)
  2. Demonstrate patient advocacy within the paramedic standard of care and scope of practice in the out-of-hospital setting. (1, 3)
  3. Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors consistent with paramedic standard of care and scope of practice. (1, 4)
  4. Synthesize paramedic standard of care and scope of practice to perform a differential diagnosis in medical emergencies and trauma in the out-of-hospital setting. (1-5)
  5. Synthesize paramedic standard of care and scope of practice to manage medical emergencies and trauma in the out-of-hospital setting. (1-6)