2018-19 Catalog 
    Jul 26, 2024  

Academic Information and Standards

Assessment of Student Academic Achievement

In harmony with Yavapai College's mission to provide quality higher learning, the assessment cycle of continuous improvement based on evidence ensures the quality of students' academic experiences.  The purpose of assessment is to measure the degree to which students attain the educational goals and outcomes determined by the academic departments of the college. The assessment process consists of identifying goals and outcomes, gathering evidence about how well students are attaining the goals and outcomes, and using the information to improve instruction and revise curriculum.  

Academic Load

Classes routinely require two to three hours of outside preparation for each hour spent in class. Some specialized academic programs may require additional outside preparation. To ensure that students have every opportunity for success in courses, academic loads must be carefully planned.

Full-time student status is defined as 12 credit hours per semester. A typical academic load for many programs is 15-16 credit hours per semester; the maximum academic load is generally 18 credit hours. Ordinarily, only a student with a grade point average of 3.00 or better of full-time work is allowed to carry more than the maximum load. A student not qualifying may petition the District Director of Academic Advising or designee for permission to carry an overload.

Students who are employed or who undertake many extracurricular activities will find it advisable to reduce their academic loads accordingly.

State Authorization

The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions that offer distance education in a state where it is not physically located meet individual state requirements.  The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs.  Arizona was approved as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) state effective November 11, 2014.  Yavapai College was approved as an Arizona member institution.  Yavapai College adheres to the Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education Programs (Online Learning) for best practices in postsecondary distance education developed by leading practitioners of distance education and adopted by the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC). This regulation applies only to distance education courses for students who reside outside the state of Arizona.

If a student has a complaint against a higher education state agency responsible for state authorizations, please see the Distance Learning Complaint Process for Out of State Students.

Further information on State Authorization: www.yc.edu/stateauthorization

Grades and Credits

Instructors will evaluate student achievement of course learning outcomes, and students will be regularly informed of their progress. Evaluation measures will be clearly set forth by the instructor in the course syllabus. A variety of evaluation methods relevant to the learning outcomes may be used.

Letters Grades Grade Points
A Excellent 4 grade points per semester hour
B Good 3 grade points per semester hour
C Average 2 grade points per semester hour
S Satisfactory not computed in GPA (equivalent to C grade)

A course completed with a grade of A, B, C or S fulfills the prerequisite requirement for another course. A maximum of 12 credit hours of S grades may be applied to a degree or certificate program. Grades of S are not an option towards completion of an AGEC (Arizona General Education Curriculum) certificate.

D Unsatisfactory 1 grade points per semester hour
F Failure 0 grade points per semester hour
U Unsatisfactory not computed in GPA

A course completed with a grade of D, F or U does not fulfill the prerequisite requirement for another course and may not be applied to a degree or certificate requirement.

I Incomplete not computed in GPA
W Withdraw not computed in GPA
Y Administrative Withdraw not computed in GPA
AU Audit (no credit) not computed in GPA

To calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester:

  1. Multiply the points assigned to the letter grade by the number of credit hours earned in each class
  2. Add the points of all classes together
  3. Divide by the total number of credits

Sample Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

CRS. # Course Title Grade Letter = (Points)   Credit Hours   Total Grade Points
ENG 101 College Comp 1 A (4) x 3 = 12
SPA 101 Beginning Spanish1 B (3) x 4 = 12

      Totals 7   24

Total Grade Points (24) divided by Total Credit Hours (7)=3.4 GPA

Incomplete Grades

A grade of "I" may be requested by a student and will be posted to the student's permanent record only at the end of a semester in which the student has done the following:

  1. Has completed a significant majority of the work required for the course while maintaining a "C" average for work submitted and is capable of completing the remainder of the required work for this course
  2. Experienced extenuating circumstances which prevent completion of the course requirements

It is the exclusive responsibility of each student receiving an Incomplete to be in communication with the instructor and complete the course(s) by the deadline established by the instructor; the maximum of which can be 45 days. The instructor will then initiate a Change of Grade form. If the instructor is no longer available, the student should contact the supervising instructional division dean. If the work required is not completed by the deadline established by the instructor, the grade specified by the instructor will be posted to the permanent record.

Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U) Grades

Yavapai College encourages each student to explore areas of study outside the major field of study. The S/U grading option is one way the College stimulates this exploration.

The "S" grade is defined as equivalent to a grade of "C" or better on the conventional grading scale of A-F. A course completed with an "S" grade indicates appropriate subject area knowledge to satisfy the prerequisite requirement of a related higher-level course.

Specified courses are graded only S/U. Students who prefer the S/U grading option must notify the class instructor. Conditions of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading:

  • Since some college and universities limit the number of credits completed with S/U grading that will transfer, or restrict the way that such credits may be applied to degree requirements, it is recommended that students preparing to transfer select the S/U grading option only for elective courses.
  • A maximum of twelve (12) hours of "S" credit from 100- and 200-level courses may be applied toward Yavapai College graduation requirements.
  • S/U grading is not an option for courses applied to the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC).
  • S/U grades are not computed in the student's Yavapai College grade point average.


Auditing a Course

A student wishing exposure to a course may elect to audit. Regular attendance at all class meetings is the responsibility of the student, but writing assignments and examinations are not mandatory. A grade of "AU" will be awarded for satisfactory attendance. Courses audited carry no credit toward the grade point average, toward graduation, or toward meeting professional requirements. Audit units do not count toward determining the eligibility for financial aid purposes. Audits may be repeated for credit. Once a student registers for and completes a class as an auditor, the audit on the permanent record may not be changed to a credit-earning grade. Students enrolling for credit will have priority over auditors until the first class day of the course, at which time auditors may enroll on a space available basis. An additional fee is assessed to audited courses. Go to www.yc.edu/tuition for current fee.

Repeating a Course

A student may repeat any course offered by Yavapai College in order to improve a grade, or gain additional knowledge, experience, or other benefit, limited only by the following conditions:

  • The credit earned in repeated courses will only be counted one time for completion of degree/certificate requirements unless otherwise noted in the course description
  • A student may enroll in concurrent sections of a course only if the course is numbered 000-099
  • Repeated courses may not be eligible for federal Financial Aid funding or veteran education benefits
  • An individual student's repeat enrollments in specific courses may be restricted if it is determined to be in the best interest of the student or College

All grades appear on the permanent transcript. Included in the cumulative grade point average is the highest single grade earned in a course and all applicable grades earned in repeatable courses.

Change of Final Grade

In case of an error in computing or recording a final grade, a student may request a grade change by faculty no later than 30 calendar days after the date the final grade has been posted to the student's permanent record. Once a grade for a course has been officially posted to the student's permanent record by the Registrar, the instructor may change the grade due to the following:

  1. An error occurred in the computer and/or recording of the grade or,
  2. An incomplete classification (I)

A Change of Grade request after 30 calendar days must be completed with appropriate signatures including the instructor, and Dean or designee. The request is then submitted to the Registrar.

Student Appeal of Academic or Instructional Decisions by Faculty

A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision by faculty if s/he deems the decision to be made in error. The appeal must be made in a timely manner in accordance with established procedures. Visit www.yc.edu/academiccomplaints for additional information and to submit the appeal.


A student may only appeal a decision that affects him/her directly and must represent themselves in the appeal process. The appeal of an academic or instructional decision requires documentation that the decision was incorrect.

  1. The first step in the appeal process is for the student to contact the faculty member who made the academic or instructional decision. This contact must be made within 10 business days of the official notification date of the decision. For appeals concerning a final grade, official notification is considered to be the date the grade is posted to the student's permanent record.
  2. In the event the faculty member and student are unable to reach a mutual agreement within ten (10) business days, the student may then appeal to the appropriate Dean or designee. The appeal to the Dean or designee must be made within 10 business days in writing using the official form, "Academic or Instructional Decision Appeal to the Dean." All documentation supporting the reason for the appeal must be provided at the time the appeal is submitted. This appeal must succinctly describe the issues involved, evidence that an error was made, and any relevant information. Missing, incomplete or erroneous information may cause the appeal to be rejected.
  3. The Dean or designee will review the student's appeal and make a decision based on the documentation provided by the student, the faculty member, and other relevant information that may include meetings with appropriate individuals. The Dean's or designee's investigation and decision must be concluded within 10 business days of the date the student appealed the decision. The Dean or designee will provide written documentation of the decision to the student and faculty member.
  4. In the event the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the Dean or designee, a further appeal may be made to the Vice President for Instruction and Student Development or designee. The appeal must be made in writing within 10 business days of the date the student received notification of the results of the appeal to the Dean. This formal, written appeal must relate only to the original decision that is being appealed. No additional claims or issues will be included or addressed in the review of the appeal.
  5. The Vice President for Instruction and Student Development or designee will conduct a formal review of the appeal as presented by the student, including review of relevant policy, review of information provided by the faculty member, and review of the decision by the Dean.

The formal review and decision by the Vice President for Instruction and Student Development or designee must be completed within 10 business days of the receipt of the student's written appeal. The decision must be communicated in writing to all involved parties. The decision of the Vice President for Instruction and Student Development or designee is considered final.

Academic Honors List

An honor bestowed upon students who demonstrate exemplary performance. To be eligible, a student must complete 12 or more credits in that semester with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Standards of Academic Progress

The College has a process by which a student who experiences academic difficulty may receive assistance to improve academic performance and progress toward educational goals. Unsatisfactory academic progress is indicated by academic warning, academic probation, and academic suspension.

In order to plan a program of study and create an awareness of College resources which will assist a student's return to satisfactory academic standing, a student who has made unsatisfactory academic progress must meet with an academic advisor. Academic advisors may limit the number of credit hours a student may enroll in, require developmental classes, or recommend other resources that may assist the student.

In order for a student to be removed from academic warning or probationary status, the student must attain academic good standing (2.00 Cumulative GPA). A student's academic status will be determined at the end of each semester. The student who has made unsatisfactory academic progress will receive written notification at the end of the semester.

The academic standards categories and resulting status of students are listed below.

Academic Warning:

A student who has attempted 12 credits or more and earned a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 is placed on Academic Warning (AW).

A student on academic warning (AW) may continue attending school as long as the student maintains a semester GPA equal to or greater than 2.0, based on attempted credits.

The academic warning (AW) standing will remain in effect until the cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 2.0, at which time the academic warning (AW) standing is removed.

Academic Probation:

If a student on academic warning (AW) earns less than 2.0 semester GPA in the subsequent semester, based on attempted credits, the academic warning (AW) standing converts to academic probation (AP).

A student on academic probation (AP) may continue attending school for up to two subsequent semesters. During the first semester on academic probation (AP), the student must achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or above. During the second semester of academic probation (AP), the student must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.

Academic Suspension:

If the student on academic probation (AP) does not meet the above requirements, the academic standing converts to academic suspension (AS) and the student will be suspended from Yavapai College.

Petition for Reinstatement

A student who has been placed on academic suspension may petition to the Dean for Student Development (or designee) in writing, stating the reasons why the academic status and stated restrictions should be waived or changed. A petition will be considered after a minimum one semester waiting period. The petition is to be submitted at least one week prior to the semester for which enrollment is requested. If reinstatement is approved, the student will be placed on academic probation (AP) and progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester. The decision of the Dean for Student Development (or designee) is final.

Academic Renewal

Academic Renewal allows a student who experienced academic difficulties during earlier attendance at Yavapai College to have grades for a particular period of time excluded from the calculation of the grade point average. All courses and grades remain on the student's permanent academic record.


  • Before applying for Academic Renewal the student must complete at least twelve credit hours of academic course work with a grade of "C" or better in each course.
  • Application for Academic Renewal may be made after a two-year waiting period from the last semester to be considered for renewal.
  • Academic Renewal is granted on a semester basis, not on a per course selection basis. The student may have a maximum of four consecutive semesters (including summer) of course work disregarded in calculations regarding academic standing, grade-point average, and eligibility for degree or certificate completion.
  • Academic Renewal may be granted only once during a student's academic career at Yavapai College and may not extend to other institutions.
  • If a student's application for Academic Renewal is approved, the student's permanent record will be annotated to indicate that no work completed during the disregarded semester(s) or term(s), even if satisfactory, may be calculated in the grade-point average or applied to completion of certificate/degree requirements. Academic Renewal is not available to students who have already completed requirements for a certificate or degree. Since the student's complete record (before and after Academic Renewal) remains on the transcript, other institutions may consider all course work when a student transfers or applies to professional or graduate-level programs.


  1. The student application for Academic Renewal must be obtained from an academic advisor.
  2. The student's academic advisor must sign the form and attach a copy of the student's transcript and forward to the Office of the Registrar.
  3. The application must be approved by the Registrar. If approved, the Registrar will update the students transcript.

College Honors Program

Each year the college accepts approximately twenty-five students into its Honors Program. The program offers educational enrichment through travel, special events, lectures, and honors classes. Students enroll in a one-credit class ("The Honors Colloquium") each semester. The Honors Colloquium, when successfully completed three semesters, fulfills the Yavapai College Critical Thinking requirement. Most years, students in the program are expected to participate in an extensive college-sponsored trip to a location selected for its cultural interest.

Admission to the program is through a competitive application process and is based on academic achievement and a demonstrated ability to think critically and independently. Entering freshmen must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4 point scale, or have scored at least 650 on a High School Equivalence Diploma, be at least 17 years old by the start of their first semester in the program, have completed no more than 13 credit hours of 100-level or higher college coursework (with a minimum 3.50 GPA for any completed credits). Continuing students who have completed 14-48 hours of Yavapai College credit (in courses numbered 100 or above) with a grade point average of at least 3.50 may also apply for admission.

Required application materials include transcripts, letters of recommendation, a Yavapai College academic plan (continuing students only), SAT or ACT scores (incoming freshmen only) and an essay on an assigned topic. Updated application instructions are available on the Honors Program website (www.yc.edu/chp) in late December. The deadline for application is March 1.

Once admitted, students must complete a minimum of 13 credit hours per semester, make satisfactory progress toward a Yavapai College Associate degree, maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.50, and participate fully in Honors Program activities in order to remain in the program.

Benefits to College Honors Program Students:

  • Scholarships of $1,000 per semester
  • Tuition waivers for 13 - 16 credit hours per semester
  • Up to 4 semesters of eligibility for students admitted as incoming freshmen
  • Admission to honors classes
  • Opportunities to interact with other academically gifted students
  • Opportunities for intellectual and cultural growth and enrichment experiences, including travel
  • Advisement and other activities designed to clarify long-range career and academic plans
  • Assistance in applying for scholarships and admission to honors programs at universities where students intend to complete baccalaureate study
  • Special recognition upon graduation

More information about the program is available on the Honors Program website (www.yc.edu/chp).

Educational Partnerships

Yavapai College has partnerships with the three Arizona state public universities (Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona), as well as transfer agreements with other U.S. universities and colleges that are regionally accredited. Transfer partnerships assist students in making a smooth transition from one institution to the next by maximizing credits. Several university partners offer Yavapai College graduates dedicated advisement as well as financial incentives such as tuition and transfer scholarships, waiver of application fees, textbook waivers, and special tuition incentives. To view a list of institutions with which Yavapai College has established articulation agreements, and to view a schedule of university visits to YC campuses,
see https://www.yc.edu/v5content/advising/transfer.htm.

Guidance Academy, LLC dba Guidance Aviation

Yavapai College and Guidance Aviation in Prescott, Arizona have partnered to establish a joint flight training program at Yavapai College's Career and Technical Education Center and Ernest E. Love Field. The partnership supports the Helicopter Concentration of the AAS in Aviation Technology in which the ground and air curriculum are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

North-Aire Aviation, LLC

Yavapai College and North-Aire Aviation have established a joint flight training program at Yavapai College's Career and Technical Education Center and Ernest E. Love Field in Prescott, Arizona. The AAS in Aviation Technology with a Concentration in Airplane Operations is supported by this partnership in which the air and ground curriculum are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Early College Programs

Early College Programs are designed to help students make the most of both high school and college. The programs include:

  • Advanced Placement: Students take college-level coursework while fulfilling high school graduation requirements.
  • Dual Enrollment: Yavapai College partners with county high schools to extend the privilege to college-ready students to participate in accelerated college level coursework. These classes are taught on the high school campus, during the high school day by credentialed YC instructor.
  • JTED: Yavapai College has partnered with Mountain Institute Joint Vocational District (MIJTED) and Valley Academy for Career and Technical Education (VACTE) to advance career training to high school students preparing for the workforce. Students attending central campus programs may earn both high school and YC credit. The partnership prepares students with the skills and industry based certifications needed to gain employment or to continue pursuing a college education.
  • Concurrent Enrollment:  Designed for students who want to take classes at a YC campus while still in high school. Open to all qualified high school students, it is recommended that students work closely with their high school to identify college courses that will meet high school graduation requirements.

See http://www.yc.edu/v5content/highschool/default.htm for details.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation and transfer agreements specify which courses are equivalents from, or to, another institution. Your advisor will be able to tell you if such an agreement exists, and for which specific courses. Related information is available at University Transfer Information/Resources found at www.yc.edu/advising.

Prior Learning

Yavapai College recognizes that learning experiences take place in a variety of settings. Many students have significant, demonstrable learning that has come from educational experiences outside the traditional academic environment. Students may be awarded college credit for prior or extra-institutional learning based on established assessment methods including articulation agreements, credit by evaluation, and college-level equivalency examinations. All assessment methods used by the College require faculty review and oversight to determine that learning outcomes have been accomplished by determining acceptable test scores, appropriate equivalencies, special program requirements, or other academic considerations.

Additional Information:

  • A maximum of 30 credit hours by any combination of examination, special articulation agreement, or evaluation will be accepted.
  • A student must successfully complete at least one credit course at Yavapai College before any credit for prior learning will be documented on the College transcript.
  • Duplicate credit will not be awarded for prior learning in subject matter for which the student has already received credit.
  • Assessment for prior learning will not be administered for equivalency of courses numbered below 100.
  • Credit will not be granted for more elementary course work or for a prerequisite to a course in which the student is enrolled or for which the student has already received credit.
  • An official transcript or documentation of test scores must be sent directly to the Registrar from the administering agency or testing company prior to assessing eligibility for credit.
  • The Yavapai College transcript will document only that credit for prior learning has been granted and the number of credits awarded. No letter grade will be assigned for any assessment of prior learning and no record will be made of unsuccessful assessments.
  • While Yavapai College will award credit for prior learning in accordance with institutional policies and procedures, the credit is not necessarily transferable to other colleges and universities. Therefore, students are strongly advised to meet with a program advisor at the college or university they plan to attend.
  • Credit for prior learning may impact financial aid awards. Therefore, students are strongly advised to meet with a financial aid advisor prior to pursuing assessment of prior learning.
  • The student must pay any fees and adhere to approved administrative procedures for the prior learning assessment method selected. All fees are non-refundable.

Military Training and Experience:

ACE Military Registry Transcripts including AARTS (Army); SMART (Navy and Marine Corp); CCAF (Air Force); and CARTS (Coast Guard) can be considered. The student must request that the transcript be sent to Enrollment Services or electronically to: electronicreceipts@yc.edu. For more information: consult http://aarts.army.mil/ (check the information on "Related Links/Referrals" for other military branches of service).

  • Credit awarded is not necessarily transferable to other institutions, and may impact financial aid awards. Students should meet with a financial aid advisor prior to pursuing assessment of military training.

Advanced Placement (AP) Table*

Students who have taken a college board advanced placement course in their secondary school may be eligible to receive YC credit. Listed are the AP subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.

Exam Score Credits YC Equivalent
Art History 3
ART 200  or ART 201 
ART 200  & ART 201  
Biology 3
BIO 100 
BIO 181  & BIO 182  
Calculus AB 3/4/5 5 MAT 220  
Calculus BC 3
MAT 220 
MAT 220  & MAT 230  
Chemistry 4
CHM 151 
CHM 151  & CHM 152  
Comparative Government & Politics 4/5 3 Elective Credit
English Language & Composition 4/5 3 ENG 101  or Dept Elective
English Literature & Composition 4/5 3 ENG 101  or Dept Elective
Environmental Science 4/5 3 Elective Credit
European History 4/5 6 HIS 201  & HIS 202  
Human Geography 4/5 3 GEO 105  
Macroeconomics 4/5 3 ECN 235  
Microeconomics 4/5 3 ECN 236  
Music Theory 4/5 4 MUS 131  
Physics 1 4/5 4 PHY 111  
Physics 2 4/5 4 PHY 112  
Physics C (Mechanics) 3/4/5 4 PHY 111  
Physics C (Elect. & Magnetism) 3/4/5 4 PHY 112  
Psychology 4/5 3 PSY 101  
Spanish Language 3/4/5 16 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202  
Spanish Literature & Culture 3/4/5 16 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202  
Statistics 3/4/5 3 MAT 167  
Studio Art: Drawing 4/5 3 ART 110 **
Studio Art: 2D Design 4/5 3 ART 112 **
Studio Art: 3D Design 4/5 3 ART 113  **
US History 4/5 6 HIS 231  & HIS 232  

*These areas of study represent the Advanced Placement Standards set by the state of Arizona's Articulation Task Forces and approved by the AZ Transfer Steering Committee.
**To receive credit, student must submit their portfolio to the Arts and Humanities Division Dean for approval.


Cambridge Assessment International Education (formerly CIE) Table

Listed are the Cambridge International AS & A levels accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.

Exam Score Credits YC Equivalent
Biology-AS Level D 4 BIO 100  
Biology-A Level D
BIO 181  & BIO 182  
BIO 181  
Chemistry-AS Level D 4 CHM 130  
Chemistry-A Level A
B or C
D or E
CHM 151  & CHM 152  
CHM 151  
CHM 130  
Economics-A Level D 6 ECN 235  & ECN 236  
Marine Science-A Level D 4 BIO Dept Elective
Psychology-A Level D or E 6 PSY 101  & PSY Elective
Psychology-AS Level D or E 3 PSY 101  


College Level Equivalency Exams

College Level Examination Program examinations (CLEP) are administered by the Assessment and Testing Center. For information about the specific examinations administered and accepted by Yavapai College and fees involved, call 928.776.2200. For CLEP course titles and outlines of each course, go to http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/about.html.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Table

Students may earn credit by successfully completing CLEP examinations. Listed across are the CLEP subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the credit awarded and the recommended Yavapai College equivalent. Only CLEP scores of 50 or better will be awarded credit (scoring exceptions are listed in the lower table). CLEP scores are not transferred to Yavapai College from another school's transcript. CLEP scores must be sent directly to the YC Registrar's Office.

Name of Exam Credits YC Equivalent


Introductory Business Law 3 Elective Credit
Financial Accounting 3 Elective Credit
Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECN 235  
Principles of Microeconomics 3 ECN 236  
Principles of Management 3 MGT 220  
Principles of Marketing 3 MGT 230  

Composition & Literature

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 3 Elective Credit
College Composition 3 ENG 101  or Elective Credit

Education & Behavioral and Social Sciences

Human Growth & Development 3 PSY 245  
Introduction to Educational Psychology 3 EDU Dept Elective
Introductory Psychology 3 PSY 101  
Introductory Sociology 3 SOC 101  

Science & Mathematics

Biology 3 BIO Dept Elective
Pre-Calculus 5 MAT 187  
Calculus 5 MAT 220  
Chemistry 5 CHM 151  
College Algebra 3 MAT 152  

Listed below are the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subjects with scoring exceptions:

American Literature or English Literature
Score of 55 3 Elective Credit

College Composition    
Score of 60 3 ENG 101   or Elective Credit

History of the U.S. I or History of the U.S. II    
Score of 56 3 HIS 231  or HIS 232  

Natural Sciences
Score of 53 3 Elective Credit
Score of 56 6 Elective Credit

Social Sciences & History    
Score of 56 3 Elective Credit

Spanish Language
Score of 50 4 SPA 101  
Score of 55 8 SPA 101  & SPA 102  
Score of 66 12 SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201  
Score of 68 16 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202  

Western Civilization I or Western Civilization II        
Score of 56 3 HIS 201   or HIS 202      

DSST (formerly DANTES) Exam Table

DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program. Listed are the DSST subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.

Exam Score Credits YC Equivalent
Environmental Science 400 3 Elective Credit
Lifetime Developmental Psychology 400 3 PSY 245  
Substance Abuse 400 3 PSY 241  


International Baccalaureate (IB) Table

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, offered in select high schools, is a rigorous 2-year course of precollege studies leading to exams that can be used to qualify for college credit. Listed are the IB subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.

Exam Score Credits YC Equivalent
Biology- HL 4/5
6 or higher
BIO 100 
BIO 181  & BIO 182  
Business & Management - HL 5 or higher 3 Elective Credit
Chemistry - HL 4
5 or higher
CHM 151 
CHM 151  & CHM 152  
Economics - HL 5 or higher 6 ECN 235  & ECN 236  
English A - HL 5 or higher 3 ENG 101   or Dept Elective
Geography - HL 5 or higher 4 GEO 105  (3) & Dept Elective (1)
Geography - SL 4 or higher 3 Dept Elective
History, Americas - HL 4
5 or higher
HIS 231  
HIS 231   & HIS 232  
History, Europe - HL 4
5 or higher
HIS 201 
HIS 201  & HIS 202  
Mathematics - HL 5 or higher 5 MAT 220  
Music - HL 5 or higher 5 MUS 129  & MUS 240  
Physics - HL 5
6 or higher
PHY 111 
PHY 111  & PHY 112  
Physics - SL 6 or higher 4 PHY 111  
Psychology - HL 5 or higher 3 PSY 101  
Social & Cultural Anthropology - HL 4 or higher 3 ANT 102  
Spanish B - HL 4
5 or higher
SPA 101  & SPA 102 
SPA 201  & SPA 202  
Visual Arts - HL 4
5 or higher
ART 112  
ART 110  & ART 112