2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog

Earning a Degree or Certificate

Yavapai College offers seven associate degree programs and two bachelor's degree programs:

  • Associate of Arts
  • Associate of Arts in Elementary Education
  • Associate of Arts in Fine Arts
  • Associate of Business
  • Associate of General Studies
  • Associate of Science
  • Associate of Applied Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Business
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Associate Degree and Certificate Requirements

To obtain an associate degree or certificate from Yavapai College, a candidate must:

  1. Satisfy entrance requirements as a regular student;
  2. Complete all courses required in one of the degree or certificate programs offered by Yavapai College. Occasionally, program requirements change between the time of the student's admission and the time of graduation.
    1. A student in continuous enrollment at Yavapai College may elect to graduate by satisfying program requirements as listed at the time of admission, at the time of graduation, or at any time during the last period of continuous attendance. Continuous attendance means enrollment in the regular session (fall/spring or spring/fall) of each academic year.
    2. If a course required for a degree or certificate has been deleted from the catalog, a comparable course will be substituted for the deleted course. Other substitutions are generally not permitted. However, a student who believes circumstances warrant special consideration may petition to the supervising dean.
    3. Courses approved as satisfying General Education requirements for all degrees are listed in the section entitled "General Education Courses."
  1. Earn a grade of "C" or higher in a course for it to apply toward a Yavapai College degree or certificate, or for inclusion in a student's Arizona General Education Curriculum.
    1. A maximum of 12 credit hours of "S" credit from 100- and 200- level courses may be applied toward any Yavapai College lower division degree/certificate program. On an exception basis, "S" grades may be allowed in the AGEC for transfer credit, if documentation collected by the community college indicates that the "S" grade issued was the only option for the student and the "S" is "C or Better." 

      For Spring 2020 only, students who chose an "S" grade in an AGEC course in response to the COVID-19 emergency may use this grade to complete their AGEC requirements. Arizona Universities will accept "S" grades earned in AGEC courses during Spring 2020.

    2. A maximum of 12 credit hours of Independent Study courses may be applied toward any Yavapai College degree/certificate program.
    3. Special interest and developmental education courses (courses numbered below 100) will not be applied toward degrees and certificates.
    4. Students may fulfill degree requirements after leaving Yavapai College by transferring back applicable credits earned at regionally accredited institutions of higher education. Students must adhere to the catalog requirements of their program of study during their last continuous enrollment or current catalog year requirements at Yavapai College.
  2. Earn a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or better in all work completed at Yavapai College;
  3. Complete a minimum of fifteen semester hours in residence for a degree program. If a certificate program requires 12-29 semester hours, a minimum of half the total hours must be completed in residence; if a certificate program requires 11 or fewer credits, all of the semester hours must be completed in residence.
  4. A maximum of 30 credit hours by any combination of Experiential Learning (examination, special articulation agreement, or evaluation) will be accepted;
  5. File a petition for graduation with Academic Advising no later than March 1. A student eligible for graduation at the end of the fall regular semester must petition for graduation no later than October 1;
  6. Remove all marks of deficiency on the student's records thirty days prior to the day of commencement, if expecting to use credit in those subjects toward graduation;
  7. Remove any indebtedness to the College.

Bachelor's Degree Requirements

To obtain a bachelor's degree from Yavapai College, a candidate must:

  1. Satisfy entrance requirements as a regular student; and satisfy any additional program-specific admission requirements.
  2. Complete all courses required in the degree program offered by Yavapai College. Occasionally, degree requirements change between the time of the student's admission and the time of graduation.
    1. A student in continuous enrollment at Yavapai College may elect to graduate by satisfying degree requirements as listed at the time of admission, at the time of graduation, or at any time during the last period of continuous attendance. Continuous attendance means enrollment in the regular session (fall/spring or spring/fall) of each academic year.
    2. If a course required for a degree has been deleted from the catalog, a comparable course will be substituted for the deleted course. Other substitutions are generally not permitted. However, a student who believes circumstances warrant special consideration may petition to the supervising dean.
    3. Courses approved as satisfying General Education requirements for all degrees are listed in the section entitled "General Education Courses."
  3. Earn a grade of "C" or higher in a course for it to apply toward a bachelor's degree.
  1. A maximum of 12 credit hours of "S" credit from 100- & 200-level courses.
  2. A maximum of 12 credit hours of "S" credit from 300- & 400-level courses.
  3. A maximum of 12 credit hours of Independent Study courses may be applied toward a bachelor's degree.
  4. Special interest and developmental education courses (courses numbered below 100) will not be applied toward a bachelor's degree.
  5. Students may fulfill degree requirements after leaving Yavapai College by transferring back applicable credits earned at regionally accredited institutions of higher education. Students must adhere to the catalog requirements of their program of study during their last continuous enrollment or to the current catalog year requirements at Yavapai College.
  1. Earn a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00 or better in all work completed at Yavapai College.
  2. Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in residence for a bachelor's degree.
  3. A maximum of 60 credit hours by any combination of Experiential Learning (examination, special articulation agreement, or evaluation) will be accepted.
  4. Remove all marks of deficiency on the student's records thirty day prior to the day of commencement, if expecting to use credit in those subjects toward graduation.
  5. Remove any indebtedness to the College.

Location of Degree Programs

Yavapai College offers courses required for degrees and certificates in selected locations. The college does not guarantee that all courses for a degree or certificate will be offered at all locations. Please review the degree or certificate program information or a current class schedule for the location information.

Graduation with Honors

A student who is awarded a degree and who meets the following requirements is designated as graduating "with honors" on the official transcript and on the diploma.

Associate Degree: successfully completed 30 semester hours of 100-level or above, graded A-F, at Yavapai College with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher.

Bachelor's Degree: successfully completed 60 semester hours of 300-level or above, graded A-F, at Yavapai College with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher.

Multiple Degrees

A student who has already earned an associate's degree at Yavapai College may earn a subsequent degree according to the following provisions:

  1. General education requirements specified for each degree must be completed;
  2. All major and related degree requirements specified in an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree program must be completed. If a specified course has already been applied to another degree or certificate program, that course competency may be applied to a subsequent AAS degree program;
  3. Course substitutions approved for one degree program do not automatically apply to a subsequent degree program;
  4. A minimum of 15 additional semester hours of major and related requirements, not applied to the first degree, must be completed at Yavapai College. These 15 hours will be in addition to any general education requirements needed to complete the subsequent degree;
  5. An Associate of General Studies degree will not be awarded simultaneously with, or subsequent to, the awarding of any other associate degree. Other degrees may be earned concurrently as long as all of the requirements for each degree are met;

A subsequent degree must identify a specific area of study and be directed by an approved educational plan.
Requirements for a subsequent degree program must be completed in accordance with the catalog in effect at the time the multiple degree proposal is approved. Students should consult an Academic Advisor for more information and to obtain a Petition for Multiple Degrees.

Continuous Enrollment

A semester in which a degree or certificate seeking student earns course credit will be counted toward continuous enrollment. Non-credit courses, audited courses, failed courses, or courses from which the student withdraws do not count toward the determination of continuous enrollment for catalog purposes.

Students who do not meet the minimum enrollment standards stipulated above during two consecutive semesters (fall/spring or spring/fall) are no longer considered continuously enrolled, and must meet requirements of the Yavapai College catalog in effect at the time they are readmitted or of any single catalog in effect during subsequent terms of continuous enrollment after readmission.

Programs Requiring Selective Admission

Requirements for Admission to the Aerospace Science AAS - Airplane Operations Concentration

An application packet is available by contacting Anjanette Temple by phone at 928-776-2014 or emailing Anjanette.Temple@yc.edu. Admission requirements include a government issued photo ID and a copy of your FAA 2nd class medical card. Visit www.yc.edu/aviation for more information.

Requirements for Admission to the Gunsmithing Program

An application packet and additional information is available by contacting Anjanette Temple by phone at 928-776-2014 or emailing gunsmithing@yc.edu. Admission requirements include a valid driver's license and a concealed carry permit or current Federal background check. Visit www.yc.edu/gunsmithing for more information.

Requirements for Admission to the Freeport-McMoRan Mining Program

Students must be at least 18 years of age and must attend the Mining Preview Day held in February annually at Yavapai College. Students accepted into the program must interview with Freeport-McMoRan and be hired as an employee, pass a drug and alcohol test and physical examination, and complete a security background check. An information packet is available from the CTEC Campus by calling 928-717-7107 or 928-776-2002.

Requirements for Admission to the AAS in Nursing

Admission to the program occurs in the Fall and in the Spring semesters. Students must have an Arizona Department of Public Safety Fingerprint Clearance Card; immunizations as outlined in application; pre-requisites completed; and must pass a standardized Pre-Admission Exam. Additional information and an application packet are available online at www.yc.edu/nursing. Pre-application entry requirements:

  • Current Arizona certification as a CNA, LNA or successful completion of AHS 114, AHS 114C, and AHS 114L (or equivalent) within three years of the application deadline.
  • Current pre-nursing workshop attendance certificate (valid within 12 months of the application deadline).

Requirements for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN - BSN)

Admission to the program requires successful completion of an associate degree nursing program at a regionally accredited institution validated by transcript(s) and possessing an active, unencumbered RN license.

Requirements for Admission to the Nursing Assistant Certificate Program

There are special admission requirements for the Nursing Assistant Program that must be completed before receiving the Program Director's approval to register for the courses. These include a completed program application with proof of criminal background, health, and drug screenings. Must be at least 16 years old.

Requirements for Admission to the Paramedicine Program

Information regarding admission to the Paramedicine program is available at the Emergency Medical Services Department's website, www.yc.edu/ems. Interested students begin by filling out an application form. Once accepted into the program, additional information regarding specific documents required and or needed for program admission will be given to each student during a required paramedic orientation. Before applying, one must have a current EMT or AEMT certification card. For more information, please contact ems@yc.edu

Requirements for Admission to the Practical Nursing Fast Track Certificate Program

Prior to program application, the applicant must have an active Arizona certification or licensure as a CNA or LNA, or MMP, with one year of full-time or two years of part-time recent work experience; a successful score on ATI TEAS entrance exam; and high-school diploma or GED. It is recommended that students work closely with their advisor to ensure all application requirements are fully met. The application can be found at the Allied Health website: www.yc.edu/alliedhealth

Requirements for Admission to the Practical Nursing Transition Certificate Program

There are special admission requirements for the Practical Nursing Transition Certificate, including admission to the Nursing program and successful completion of NSG 151, NSG 152, NSG 153, NSG 154, NSG 155 and BIO 205

Requirements for Admission to the Radiologic Technology Program

An information packet is available from the Academic Advising Center, or online at: www.yc.edu/radiology.

Requirements for Admission to the Women's Health Imaging Program

For an application packet and detailed program information, visit www.yc.edu/radiology.

Associate of Applied Science Degree Requirements

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree requires the completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours. The degree prepares students for entry-level employment in a specific occupational area or enhances the skills of students who are already vocationally or personally committed to a particular technical field. The AAS degree is also being used in transfer in some career and technical areas. There is a growing number of BAS degrees that AAS degree students can transfer into. For information on transferring an AAS degree to a BAS, contact the Academic Advising Center, or visit www.yc.edu/advising.

General Education (19 credits 1)

Complete one of the Composition/Applied Communication options, or the courses listed in the individual degree program.

Complete any math (MAT) course numbered 100 or higher or the MAT course required in the individual degree program.

Select and complete one laboratory science course from the approved list of General Education courses or the Physical and Biological Sciences course(s) required in the individual degree program.

Select and complete two courses with different prefixes from the approved General Education course lists or the course(s) required in the individual degree program.

Note: 1 General Education hours for some AAS degrees may total 16 credits (with the Arts & Humanities and/or Social & Behavioral Sciences category requiring 3 credit hours). See individual degree programs for requirements. 

Program Requirements and Electives (Minimum of 41 credits)

  • Major and Elective requirements and credit hours are specified in the individual degree program the student is pursuing.

Associate of General Studies Degree Requirements

The Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree requires the completion 60 credit hours. Students whose career, major, or transfer intent is uncertain may elect to pursue this degree. This degree allows students to uniquely design an associate's degree with more flexibility in the selection of courses.

General Education (28 credits)

Select and complete two courses with different prefixes from the approved General Education course list.

Select and complete two courses with different prefixes from the approved General Education course list.

Major and Elective Studies (32 credits)

  • These courses may be taken from a variety of subject areas with no specific area of emphasis. Students who are exploring options related to occupational goals should select 100- or 200-level courses related to that interest. Students who are exploring options related to transfer goals should consider completing one of the associate degrees that fulfill the Arizona General Education Curriculum requirements.