2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog 
    Jan 21, 2025  
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Academic Integrity

Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. The presentation of another individual's work as one's own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through cheating, plagiarism or other dishonest means are violations of the College's academic policy and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College.


Plagiarism is defined as submitting any academic work which is not entirely the work of the student, deliberately or accidentally. This can include, but is not limited to, such practices as not giving proper credit to a source, expanding someone else's work without giving proper credit, adopting another's work as one's own (including the copying of print or electronic media), directly using someone else's ideas without giving proper credit, and deliberately changing selective words to misrepresent someone else's work as one's own.


Cheating is defined as submitting assignments, examinations, or other work which is based on deception or misrepresentation of the individual's own work. Cheating includes actions that provides a person with an unfair academic advantage in the class such as the furnishing of materials to another person or to oneself for purposes of gaining an unfair academic advantage.  Cheating includes, but is not limited to 1) the use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; 2) use of sources or materials beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; 3) the use or acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the College faculty or staff; 4) engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion.  


Fabrication is the intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Violation of Copyright

The unauthorized reproduction or use of copyrighted material, whether print or electronic media, is unacceptable and considered an act of academic dishonesty. In addition, the violator may be subject to legal penalty since such practice is illegal.


The following penalties may be applied in instances of misconduct (e.g. academic dishonesty, unacceptable behavior in the learning environment, or disrespectful communication):

  1. Removal from Class: an instructor may dismiss a student from a class meeting or learning environment for misconduct. This action shall be immediately reported to the supervising instructional Dean. The student must confer with the instructor and the supervising instructional Dean before being readmitted to class. In extreme cases, the student may be dropped from class.
  2. A grade of "F" (failure) may be awarded for the assignment or activity in which misconduct occurred or for the entire course regardless of the length of time the student has been in attendance. The grade of "F" will override or supersede any student-initiated withdrawal from the course.
  3. Referral to the Code of Conduct Procedures under Section VII: if the student's conduct is deemed in need of action beyond academic recourse by the supervising instructional Dean, the student will be referred to the Student Conduct Officer for review under Section VII. Sanctions may include suspension, expulsion, and/or revocation of degree and/or certificate. 
  4. Legal measures may be taken by Yavapai College, including referral to law enforcement or civil action.

Academic Load

Classes routinely require two to three hours of outside preparation for each hour spent in class. Some specialized academic programs may require additional outside preparation. To ensure that students have every opportunity for success in courses, academic loads must be carefully planned.

Full-time student status is defined as 12 credit hours per semester. A typical academic load for many programs is 15-16 credit hours per semester; the maximum academic load is generally 18 credit hours. Ordinarily, only a student with a grade point average of 3.00 or better of full-time work is allowed to carry more than the maximum load. A student not qualifying may petition the District Director of Academic Advising or designee for permission to carry an overload.

Students who are employed or who undertake many extracurricular activities will find it advisable to reduce their academic loads accordingly.

Academic Renewal

Academic Renewal allows a student who experienced academic difficulties during earlier attendance at Yavapai College to have grades for a particular period of time excluded from the calculation of the grade point average. All courses and grades remain on the student's permanent academic record.


  • Before applying for Academic Renewal the student must complete at least twelve credit hours of academic course work with a grade of "C" or better in each course.
  • Application for Academic Renewal may be made after a two-year waiting period from the last semester to be considered for renewal.
  • Academic Renewal is granted on a semester basis, not on a per course selection basis. The student may have a maximum of four consecutive semesters (including summer) of course work disregarded in calculations regarding academic standing, grade-point average, and eligibility for degree or certificate completion.
  • Academic Renewal may be granted only once during a student's academic career at Yavapai College and may not extend to other institutions.
  • If a student's application for Academic Renewal is approved, the student's permanent record will be annotated to indicate that no work completed during the disregarded semester(s) or term(s), even if satisfactory, may be calculated in the grade-point average or applied to completion of certificate/degree requirements. Academic Renewal is not available to students who have already completed requirements for a certificate or degree. Since the student's complete record (before and after Academic Renewal) remains on the transcript, other institutions may consider all course work when a student transfers or applies to professional or graduate-level programs.


  1. The student application for Academic Renewal must be obtained from an academic advisor.
  2. The student's academic advisor must sign the form and attach a copy of the student's transcript and forward to the Office of the Registrar.
  3. The application must be approved by the Registrar. If approved, the Registrar will update the student's transcript.

Academic Requirements

Yavapai College has established academic requirements which must be met before a degree or certificate is granted. Faculty, Deans, academic advisors and other staff are available to help the student understand and meet these requirements, but the student is responsible for fulfilling them. At the end of a student's course of study, if requirements for graduation have not been satisfied, the degree or certificate will not be granted. For this reason, it is important for the student to be acquainted with all requirements, to remain currently informed of all requirements and to be responsible for completing the requirements. Courses, programs, and requirements described in the catalog may be suspended, deleted, restricted, supplemented or changed at any time at the discretion of the Yavapai College District Governing Board.

Acceptable Use

Yavapai College technological equipment and resources must be used in accordance with the Technology Resource Standards (5.27), Copyright Use (2.28) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing (5.26) policies.  Use of Yavapai College equipment and resources to illegally copy, download, access, print or store copyrighted material or download pornographic material is strictly prohibited. For example, file swapping of copyrighted material, such as music or movies is strictly prohibited. Users found to violate this policy will have their privileges to use Yavapai College technological equipment and resources revoked.

Attendance Policy

Yavapai College offers courses in a variety of delivery formats. Students are expected to attend classes and/or actively participate in all credit courses regardless of the delivery method.

All course syllabi will state attendance and class participation requirements. Syllabi will also define any consequences for not adhering to attendance and/or participation requirements.

The course calendar must identify assignments that require student participation in class activities or due dates for course assignments.

Code of Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards supports the educational mission of Yavapai College by upholding the standards of conduct. The intended purpose of the Code of Conduct is to maintain order and stability and to preserve all educational functions by setting forth standards of behavior and by promoting respect for the rights of all individuals.

Our goal is to provide the student with an overview of the student disciplinary process, serve as a resource for addressing student conduct, and to help you stay safe on campus. If you have any questions, need assistance or would like to consult with a staff member in the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, please call 928.776.2211. The Code of Conduct can be reviewed at https://www.yc.edu/v6/student-services/docs/code-of-conduct.pdf.

College Photo and Videotape Policy

Yavapai College takes photos and videotapes of students throughout the year. These photographs often include students in classrooms, study areas, residence halls, athletic events and so forth. Yavapai College reserves the right to use these photographs as part of its publicity and marketing efforts. Students who enroll at Yavapai College do so with the understanding that these photographs might include them and might be used in College publications and for publicity.

Drug Free Schools and Campuses

Drug and alcohol abuse is known to cause many health risks that could prevent persons from attaining their full physical and mental potential. Consequently, Yavapai College fully supports the intent of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.  Yavapai College will provide a drug and alcohol-free environment for its employees and students.  On campus possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or intoxication by any person is prohibited. The manufacture or cultivation, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of any type of controlled substances (including, but not limited to, barbiturates, opiates, marijuana, amphetamines, or hallucinogens) or aiding in the use of such by any persons is prohibited. Information regarding: 1) the laws governing the distribution, use and possession of drugs and alcohol; 2) the health risks associated with substance abuse, and; 3) education and prevention services and programs may be found in the Clery Report at: https://www.yc.edu/v6/college-police/clery.html. The Clery Report is released each October for the previous 12 months, and is compiled by the Office of Campus Safety.


Yavapai College maintains a Zero Tolerance policy for unlawful or discriminatory harassment. The College is committed to creating a harassment-free environment for all employees and students. Necessary action will be taken to prevent, correct, and if needed, discipline persons whose behavior violates this policy. Disciplinary action may result in measures up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from enrollment.

Skills Assessment, Advisement and Placement Policy

Yavapai College believes that correct course placement is a powerful factor in student retention and success. Therefore, the college requires assessment of competency in reading, writing and mathematics.

Skills Assessment

We want students to be successful at Yavapai College. Enrolling in courses that are appropriate to the student's level of preparation is an important step on the road to success.

The skills assessment helps students to identify strengths as well as where development is required to provide a strong foundation prior to enrolling in college-level courses. The results will guide students in the right direction to complete their educational goals without taking courses which they don't need, and/or taking courses for which they are not prepared.

The skills assessment is not an admission test. When students meet with their academic advisor, they will also review other evidence of college readiness, such as high school transcripts, ACT or SAT scores, and copies of transcripts from other colleges/universities that the student has attended.

Reading Proficiency

All students enrolling in any course that has designated the prerequisite of Reading Proficiency, must demonstrate proficiency in reading by passing a reading assessment or by meeting another measure. The English/Reading placement chart is posted on the Yavapai College Testing Services website at www.yc.edu/testingservices. Students not meeting a measure as listed in the chart will be required to complete ENG 095 before enrolling in these courses.

Math and English Skills Assessment

Students who intend to take English, math or certain general education courses for the first time are required to take the English, reading and math skills assessment prior to enrollment (there are several measures for meeting these requirements). Students should begin in the course(s) in which they place in their first semester and continue to enroll in the course in which they qualify until the college requirements are satisfied. See specific degrees for applicable course sequencing.

Standards of Academic Progress

The College has a process by which a student who experiences academic difficulty may receive assistance to improve academic performance and progress toward educational goals. Unsatisfactory academic progress is indicated by academic warning, academic notice, and academic suspension.

In order to plan a program of study and create an awareness of College resources which will assist a student's return to satisfactory academic standing, a student who has made unsatisfactory academic progress must meet with an academic advisor. Academic advisors may limit the number of credit hours a student may enroll in, require developmental classes, or recommend other resources that may assist the student.

In order for a student to be removed from academic warning or academic notice status, the student must attain academic good standing (2.00 Cumulative GPA). A student's academic status will be determined at the end of each semester. The student who has made unsatisfactory academic progress will receive written notification at the end of the semester.

The academic standards categories and resulting status of students are listed below.

Academic Warning:

A student who has attempted 12 credits or more and earned a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 is placed on Academic Warning (AW).

A student on academic warning (AW) may continue attending school as long as the student maintains a semester GPA equal to or greater than 2.0, based on attempted credits.

The academic warning (AW) standing will remain in effect until the cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 2.0, at which time the academic warning (AW) standing is removed.

Academic Notice:

If a student on academic warning (AW) earns less than 2.0 semester GPA in the subsequent semester, based on attempted credits, the academic warning (AW) standing converts to academic notice (AP).

A student on academic notice (AP) may continue attending school for up to two subsequent semesters. During the first semester on academic notice (AP), the student must achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or above. During the second semester of academic notice (AP), the student must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.

Academic Suspension:

If the student on academic notice (AP) does not meet the above requirements, the academic standing converts to academic suspension (AS) and the student will be suspended from Yavapai College.

Petition for Reinstatement

A student who has been placed on academic suspension may petition to the Dean of Students (or designee) in writing, stating the reasons why the academic status and stated restrictions should be waived or changed. A petition will be considered after a minimum one semester waiting period. The petition is to be submitted at least one week prior to the semester for which enrollment is requested. If reinstatement is approved, the student will be placed on academic probation (AP) and progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester. The decision of the Dean of Students (or designee) is final.

Student E-Mail Accounts

Yavapai College requires enrolled students to have an e-mail address to which official College communications can be sent. In the best interest of effective communications management, this address will reside on the College maintained e-mail system. Students may elect to forward their e-mail to an address different from their official Yavapai College account, but these students assume full responsibility for reading e-mail at the forwarded location. Students are expected to check their Yavapai College e-mail account, or the account to which their Yavapai College e-mail is forwarded, prior to the first class meeting and at least once a week during the semester. If you have questions regarding your student e-mail account, contact the Yavapai College Help Desk at 928.776.2168 or 800.922.6787 X2168.

Student Appeals/Complaints

Non-Academic Complaints

The Yavapai College process for non-academic complaints is to be used for issues other than disciplinary or academic matters and provides students protection against unwarranted infringement of their rights. A non-academic student complaint may concern an alleged violation of college policies, infringement of student rights, and other such problems dealing with students, college staff and faculty, and authorized college activities. Students may submit a Formal Statement of Student Complaint here: https://www.yc.edu/v6/student-services/nonacademic.html

The following procedures will be followed to insure an appropriate resolution of a student nonacademic complaint at the lowest possible level:

  1. The student will attempt to rectify the complaint with the person or party directly involved in the alleged violation within ten (10) college business days. For the purpose of this policy, a "business day" shall be a weekday during which regular classes are being held at the college. Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint at the lowest possible level.
  2. Where resolution is impossible or unsatisfactory to either party, the student should appeal to the appropriate supervisor within ten (10) college business days. The supervisor will informally discuss the matter with the student in an effort to resolve the complaint.
  3. If the student feels the complaint has not been resolved, they may submit a written complaint to the Dean of Students within ten (10) college working days from the time the complaint was filed at the previous level. The Dean will work with all parties involved to mediate the complaint in a timely manner. In order to mediate the complaint, the Dean may engage faculty or staff members relevant to the complaint in an informal discussion. The decision of the Dean of Students regarding a non-academic complaint is final.

Distance Education students outside of Arizona, after completion of the institution's internal complaint process, may appeal SARA related complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4).

The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA approved institutions regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completion of the institution's and AC4's complaint process, a student may register a complaint with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process website for more information.  For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona, consumer inquiries also may be directed to the following Consumer Protection Agency of the state in which they reside.

Students can view the State Authorization website for more information.

Academic Complaints

Visit www.yc.edu/academiccomplaints for additional information and to submit the appeal.

Policy Number: 3.16
Title: Student Appeal of Academic or Instructional Decisions by Faculty


Procedure - Student Appeal of Academic or Instructional Decisions by Faculty Procedure, 3.16.01

  • Appeal Requirements
  1. A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision by faculty if they believe the decision was made in error.
  2. The appeal must be made in a timely manner in accordance with the established procedures documented below.
  3. A student may only appeal a decision that affects him/her directly and must represent themselves in the appeal process.
  4. The appeal of an academic or instructional decision requires documentation that the decision was incorrect.
  • Appeal Procedure
  1. Step 1 - The first step in the appeal process is for the student to contact the faculty member who made the academic or instructional decision.
  • This contact must be made within 10 business days of the official notification date of the decision.
  • For appeals concerning a final grade, official notification is considered to be the date the grade is posted to the student's permanent record.
  1. Step 2 - In the event the faculty member and student are unable to reach a mutual agreement within ten (10) business days, the student may then appeal to the appropriate Associate Vice President (AVP) and/or Dean.
  • The appeal to the AVP and/or Dean must be made within 10 business days in writing using the official form, "Academic or Instructional Decision Appeal to the AVP and/or Dean." All documentation supporting the reason for the appeal must be provided at the time the appeal is submitted.
  • This appeal must succinctly describe the issues involved, evidence that an error was made, and any relevant information. Missing, incomplete or erroneous information may cause the appeal to be rejected.
  1. Step 3 - The AVP and/or Dean will review the student's appeal and make a decision based on the documentation provided by the student, the faculty member, and other relevant information that may include meetings with appropriate individuals.
  • The AVP and/or Dean's investigation and decision must be concluded within 10 business days of the date the student appealed the decision to the Dean.
  • The AVP and/or Dean will provide written documentation of the decision to the student and faculty member.
  • The decision of the AVP and/or Dean is final.

Student Success: A Shared Responsibility

Becoming a successful student involves taking responsibility for your own experience at Yavapai College. Your college success can be measured not only in terms of acquiring skills and knowledge, but also through personal growth and development. Certain factors will contribute to your success, such as:

  • Having clearly defined goals
  • Knowing your skill levels
  • Being aware of campus resources to support your efforts
  • Recognizing that you are continually changing and growing as a person

Student Development staff share in the responsibility for your success by fostering an environment where your needs in each of these areas can be addressed. Working with our team of support personnel and other College resources, you will get the maximum benefit from your experience at Yavapai College. Establish your relationships with Student Development staff members early in your college career. We are committed to sharing in the responsibility for your success.

Click the graphic below to download the PDF version.

Title IX Policy Statement

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 provides that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."  Title IX - 20 U.S.C. § 1681.  Yavapai College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in admissions, recruitment, education, employment, enrollment, as well as in the provision of all services, programs and activities. Consistent with these values and applicable laws, Yavapai College maintains a comprehensive program designed to protect members of the College community from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender. Yavapai College also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally.  Reports of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.  For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Monica Belknap at Monica.Belknap@yc.edu, 928-776-2211. 

Alternatively, or in addition to the College Title IX Coordinator, inquiries may be directed to the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, the federal agency charged with enforcing compliance with Title IX:

Arizona State Local Office for Civil Rights Denver Office

U.S. Department of Education

Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Building

1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204-3582

Phone: (303) 844-5695 | Fax: (303) 844-4303 | Email: OCR.Denver@ed.gov | Web: http://www.ed.gov/ocr

Please visit the College webpage at https://www.yc.edu/T9 for more information about Title IX. 

Tobacco Use Policy

Yavapai College is committed to limiting exposure to the harmful effects of primary and secondary smoke to campus students, visitors, and employees. In order to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use and to maintain a healthful working and learning environment, the College prohibits smoking, including vaping, on all campuses except in designated smoking areas as per the Smoking & Tobacco Use Policy (10.09).

Visitors and Guests in Class

An enrolled student may occasionally bring a guest to class, upon permission of the instructor. Guests who wish to visit frequently will be denied entrance to the class unless they register officially for the class. Safety considerations or disruption of instruction may require that guests not be permitted to attend a class.