Mar 11, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
AVT 115 - Instrument Pilot Airplane Ground Description: Instrument navigation, Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) traffic system procedures, dead reckoning, IFR Radio navigation, use of various instrumentation systems, IFR charts, weather reports and forecasts, transponders, radars, radio aids, anti-icing/deicing systems, preflight checks, aeronautical decision making.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Aerospace Science program.
Credits: 4 Lecture: 4 Lab: 0
Course Content:
- Federal Aviation Regulations of this chapter that apply to flight operations under IFR
- Appropriate information that applies to flight operations under IFR in the "Aeronautical Information Manual"
- Air Traffic Control system and procedures for instrument flight operations
- IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems
- Use of IFRen route and instrument approach procedure charts
- Procurement and use of aviation weather reports and forecasts of weather conditions
- Safe and efficient operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules and conditions
- Recognition of critical weather situations and windshear avoidance
- Aeronautical decision making and judgment
- Crew resource management, including crew communication and coordination
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing the requirements of 14CFR Part 61.65(b). (1-10)