Jan 12, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
THR 132 - Acting II Description: Study of performance techniques with emphasis on character development and analysis. Introduction to directing and technical theater as they influence development of acting skills.
Prerequisites: THR 131
Credits: 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 2
Course Content:
- Methods of acting and character development
- Elements of technical theater
- Directing concepts
- Play, era and playwright
- Monologues
- Scenes
- Theatre terminology
Learning Outcomes:
- Implement various methods of acting and character development for performances. (1-6)
- Design and use lighting, set design, costumes, and make-up to develop characters and performance skills. (1-6)
- Direct rehearsals and block scenes for performance. (1-6)
- Critique personal performance skills and the performance skills of others. (I, 3-6)
- Use and define terminology of the physical components of the theater. (7)
- Analyze scripts to initiate character development and scene interpretation. (4)