Jan 13, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
THR 133 - Musical Theater I Description: The study and performance of works from the musical theater repertory, including musical comedy, reviews, operetta and basic vocal and movement skills. Theater attendance and/or assistance in college productions required.
Prerequisites: MUS 134 (may be taken concurrently)
Credits: 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 2
Course Content:
- Acting basics
- Musical analysis
- Lyrics and libretto
- Elements of storytelling
- Character analysis
- Song phrasing
- Staging, rehearsal and performance
- Musical theater styles
- The acting profession
- Auditioning
Learning Outcomes:
- Use musical theater terminology properly. (1-3, 5-10)
- Properly prepare for audition songs. (1-10)
- Rehearse with accompanist. (2,3,6-7,10)
- Perform multiple songs for musical theater. (1-10)
- Analyze live musicals. (2-5, 8)
- Perform before a live audience with expressivity and believability. (1,3-8)