Jan 13, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
UAS 115 - UAS Multirotor Systems Description: Fundamentals of multicopter Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) airframes and ground systems. Basic component operation and use of airframe systems, power system, flight controls, payloads, and avionics. Includes hands-on assembly of UAS systems.
Credits: 4 Lecture: 2 Lab: 4
Course Content:
- Powerplant systems
- Airframe systems
- Avionics systems
- Flight controls
- Basic telemetry systems
- Ground station systems
- Launch and recovery systems
- Autopilot systems
- Payload systems
- Rotary-winged aerodynamics
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify basic UAS airframe and powerplant systems and their component functions. Construct airframe; install and test power and propulsion systems. (1,2)
- Describe UAS flight controls, avionics, and autopilot components and functions; install and test flight control and autopilot systems. (3,4,8)
- Describe basic UAS telemetry and ground station components and functions; install telemetry system on UAS and perform range test. (5,6)
- Outline UAS launch and recovery system procedures. (7)
- Describe UAS payloads, integration, and test procedures and install and test a payload system. (9)
- Describe rotary-wing aerodynamics and relation to flight. (10)
Required Assessment: Creation of a multirotor aircraft and systems.