Mar 31, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
AGE 231 - Professional Groom and Handler Description: Basic skills of handling horses in a safe manner to complete daily job duties in a working stable or show barn. Stall cleaning/maintenance, daily feeding/rations, inventory, purchasing, record keeping, ethics, and client relations. Grooming techniques and equipment. Responsibilities of a professional groom/handler.
Credits: 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 2
Course Content:
- Grooming-clipping, trimming, braiding, tools, equipment, and products
- Tack maintenance, repair, storage, and usage
- Stall cleaning and maintenance
- Basic barn management
- Safe horse handling and restraint
- Related business processes
- Client relations and ethics
- Basic horse condition, nutrition, and behavior
Learning Outcomes:
- Perform basic grooming for maintenance, health, and safety of horse. (1, 3, 5, 8)
- Identify different types, usage, maintenance and repair of tack for pleasure and show. (2)
- Safely clean stalls and perform maintenance. (3-5)
- Prepare inventory and supply lists for barns, stables, and shows. (6)
- Identify and report horse conditions and health data. (4, 6, 8)
- Apply professional communication skills with supervisors, clients, health care professionals, and co-workers. (6, 7)
- Describe and exhibit a strong work ethic, and ethical business practices. (6, 7)