Mar 06, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
EXW 168 - Sport Psychology and Mental Skills Description: Interaction between psychological variables and performance in sport and physical activity. Emphasis on the coach/teacher role in teaching and assessing mental training skills that influence participation and enhance performance.
Credits: 3 Lecture: 3 Lab: 0
Course Content:
- Psychological theories related to participation in physical activity and sports
- Personality, self-confidence, motivation, communication skill development
- Emotional and mental symptoms of adaptive stress and techniques for managing stress and performance anxiety
- Concentration, attention control, and arousal regulation
- Participation, achievement, and competition
- Purpose, components, teaching, and assessment of mental skills: Goal setting, self-talk, relaxation and energization, and imagery/visualization
- Title IX, assumptions, biases, stereotypes, bullying, and prejudices
Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss the benefits of the three-phase approach of teaching mental skills. (1, 6)
- Describe the relationship between psychological variables and participation in physical activity and sport. (1-6)
- Explain how achievement motivation is developed. (1-5)
- Describe the conditions that promote motivation and self-confidence. (1-6)
- Define the communication skills aligned with athlete-centered coaching. (2, 3)
- Document the experience of mental training skills practice. (4, 6)
- Use goal setting principles and guidelines to design a comprehensive goal. (6)
- Use components of mental imagery to create a performance enhancing visualization script. (6)
- Evaluate the coach's role in managing their own and others assumptions. (3, 7)
- Recognize and respond to bias-based and identity-based bullying. (7)