Mar 31, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
TDP 201 - Slicing and Software for 3-D Printing Description: Basic principles of 3-D printing and fabrication. Introduction to the design practices, tools, and techniques required to produce production-quality parts using multiple types of 3-D printers. Real-world fabrication methods and processes using industry-specific software.
Credits: 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 3
Course Content:
- Software & methods for 3-D printing
- Software tools and requirements
- AM file formats
- STEP file format
- Working with slicers
Learning Outcomes:
- Create 3-D models designed for fabrication. (1,2)
- Evaluate software requirements for 3-D fabrication. (2)
- Evaluate hardware requirements for 3-D fabrication. (1)
- Operate multiple types of 3-D printers. (1)
- Develop and plan projects for fabrication of 3-D prototypes. (3-5)
- Research industry and government manufacturing standards for 3-D fabrication. (1)