Academic Honors List
An honor bestowed upon students who demonstrate exemplary performance. To be eligible, a student must complete 12 or more credits in that semester with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation and transfer agreements specify which courses are equivalents from, or to, another institution. Your advisor will be able to tell you if such an agreement exists, and for which specific courses. Related information is available at Advising Resources/Transfer Resources found at
Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
In harmony with Yavapai College's mission to provide quality higher learning, the assessment cycle of continuous improvement based on evidence ensures the quality of students' academic experiences. The purpose of assessment is to measure the degree to which students attain the educational goals and outcomes determined by the academic departments of the college. The assessment process consists of identifying goals and outcomes, gathering evidence about how well students are attaining the goals and outcomes, and using the information to improve instruction and revise curriculum.
Educational Partnerships
Yavapai College has partnerships with the three Arizona state public universities (Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona), as well as transfer agreements with other U.S. universities and colleges that are regionally accredited. Transfer partnerships assist students in making a smooth transition from one institution to the next by maximizing credits. Several university partners offer Yavapai College graduates dedicated advisement as well as financial incentives such as tuition and transfer scholarships, waiver of application fees, textbook waivers, and special tuition incentives. To view a list of institutions with which Yavapai College has established articulation agreements, and to view a schedule of university visits to YC campuses, see
North-Aire Aviation, LLC
Yavapai College and North-Aire Aviation have established by contract a joint flight training program at Yavapai College's Career and Technical Education Center and Ernest A. Love Field in Prescott, Arizona. This program is available as an AAS in Aviation Technology with a Concentration in Airplane Operations. Air and ground curriculum are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Internships and other work-based learning (WBL) opportunities develop student competencies beyond the classroom while preparing participants for skilled entry into specific industry sectors. These experiences enable students to explore potential careers and apply knowledge gained in the classroom while refining technical skills and gaining relevant experience in the workplace.
Credit-bearing internships, practicums, clinicals, and apprenticeships are available at Yavapai College as an option for certain programs. To explore these possibilities, students should see their Academic Advisor or the program's Internship/Practicum Coordinator.
Specific degree requirements must be met, and students must complete an internship application process. While WBL courses are made available to students through partnership with an employer, they are supervised by YC to ensure a meaningful experience targeting specific learning outcomes. YC provides the necessary paperwork ensuring all parties (employer, faculty/staff, and student) understand and are committed to meeting the requirements.
A contract details the specific job expectations, learning outcomes, appropriate assignments, and a student responsibility statement. The employer will provide sufficient opportunity, experiences, and instruction for learning under supervision per the contract, and YC will approve academic credit according to its standards for all credit-bearing coursework, including students' required time commitment for preparation and training. YC faculty/staff, student, and the employer will maintain weekly contact through in-person meetings, emails, or phone calls to ensure progress with learning objectives. In addition, the employer will complete a student evaluation via an exit interview or other method.
For more information on internships and apprenticeships, see
Methods of Instruction and Meeting Types
Yavapai College offers a variety of instructional methods to meet the needs of a diverse student population.
Instructional Delivery Methods
Delivery Type
Activity Based
Classes are based on physical activity and students are expected to attend all classes.
On-the-job training utilizing structured field experiences within specific trades or professions. These experiences enable students to explore potential careers and apply knowledge gained in the classroom while refining their technical skills and gaining relevant experience in the workplace.
Classroom Based
Classes are held in a classroom at specific days and times.
Classroom and Web (Hybrid)
A hybrid class combines face-to-face classroom instruction with online course activities. This blended learning model offers students the opportunity to engage with instructors in the classroom on a regular and scheduled basis. The hybrid model supplements class time with online lessons and activities. Although the balance of in-class and online learning time differs from class to class, the hybrid model offers students the best of both worlds. Students benefit from in-class interaction with their instructor while also having the flexibility of online learning activities that can be accessed on their personal schedules.
Competency-Based Education |
Students register for course work as usual, but proceed at their own pace; the time to complete an assignment may be accelerated or decelerated. Students receive credit for the course when they have demonstrated mastery of the competencies by passing a summative assessment. Students may take assessments at any time (with agreement of instructors).
Computer Based In-Classroom
Classes meet in a classroom at specific days and times. Students are required to use a computer in the classroom.
Directed Research
Faculty or mentor directed student research in an area of current scientific investigation. Lab or fieldwork with the object of contributing to the professional body of scientific knowledge. Includes data collection, analysis and written and oral presentation.
Independent Study
Supervised special project which is undertaken with the direction of an assigned faculty member. Certain requirements must be met. Consult with an academic advisor for more information.
Individually Paced Instruction (IPI)
Classes are held in a classroom. Instructors help students work at their own pace to complete requirements. Students must show weekly progress.
Supervised field experience with businesses, corporations, government agencies, schools and community organizations to expand career interests and apply subject knowledge relevant to the workplace. Individualized internship placements to develop personal and professional skills, including professional ethics, leadership, and civic responsibility. Consult with an academic advisor for more information.
An online class is completely virtual. Course content is delivered asynchronously, so students can learn on their own time. Course content, assignments and test deadlines may be scheduled on a weekly basis, so students will need to consistently log into online courses to adhere to instructor deadlines. Online classes offer students the benefit of twenty-four hours, seven days a week accessibility to fit their life and work schedules. Instructors in online classes provide regular interaction and support through email, discussion forums, and assignment feedback. Some online classes may require proctored exams. Additional fees may be charged for proctored exams.
Open Entry/Closed Exit
Proficiency-based instruction where students work at their own pace in an open lab setting. Students may register at various times and must complete classes by an established deadline. Delivery types may vary.
In a practicum, a student integrates coursework with supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory. |
Private Lesson
Private lessons are scheduled for each student. One instructor is assigned to each student.
Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing classes are held in physical locations, but students can also choose to connect with the class using an online program called Zoom. Zoom allows students to interact with the instructor and other students in the class. If using Zoom, students will need a computer with reliable Internet access, web camera and a microphone.
WebLive is a live online class where students and instructors are connected in a virtual classroom via Zoom. Just like an in-person class, a WebLive class takes place in real time, meeting at the same time each week. This allows students and instructors to be online at the same time engaging in classroom lectures, discussions, and real time activities. The high-quality and real-time interaction of WebLive courses requires that students have reliable Internet access, a web camera, and a microphone.
Meeting Types
Meeting Type indicates the primary way(s) a student will interact with the class (in person in a classroom, online, a combination of both, etc.). A course may include one or more of the following meeting types.
Meeting Type |
Description |
Classes are held in a classroom at specific days and times.
Field Trip
A field trip is a visit or journey by students to a specified location to gain firsthand knowledge outside of the classroom. This is a means of providing a complementary and diverse learning environment.
Individually Paced Instruction (IPI)
Classes which are usually taught in an open lab setting with faculty guidance, and in which students work at their own pace to complete course requirements. Students are expected to exhibit weekly progress and to follow the start/end dates specified on the class schedule.
Mandatory Orientation
A mandatory orientation is required. The course schedule will specify whether a mandatory orientation is in person or can be provided online via a program called Zoom.
Open Entry/Closed Exit
Proficiency-based instruction where students work at their own pace in an open lab setting. Students may register at various times and must complete classes by an established deadline. Delivery types may vary.
An online class is completely virtual. Course content is delivered asynchronously, so students can learn on their own time. Course content, assignments and test deadlines may be scheduled on a weekly basis, so students will need to consistently log into online courses to adhere to instructor deadlines. Online classes offer students the benefit of twenty-four hours, seven days a week accessibility to fit their life and work schedules. Instructors in online classes provide regular interaction and support through email, discussion forums, and assignment feedback. Some online classes may require proctored exams. Additional fees may be charged for proctored exams.
Optional Orientation
An optional orientation is not required, but attendance is strongly encouraged. The course schedule will specify whether an optional orientation is in person or can be provided online via a program called Zoom.
WebLive is a live online class where students and instructors are connected in a virtual classroom via Zoom. Just like an in-person class, a WebLive class takes place in real time, meeting at the same time each week. This allows students and instructors to be online at the same time engaging in classroom lectures, discussions, and real time activities. The high-quality and real-time interaction of WebLive courses requires that students have reliable Internet access, a web camera, and a microphone.
Prior Learning Assessment & Credit for Exams
Prior Learning Assessment
Yavapai College recognizes that learning experiences take place in a variety of settings. Many students have significant, demonstrable learning that has come from educational experiences outside the traditional academic environment. Students may be awarded college credit for prior or extra-institutional learning based on established assessment methods including articulation agreements, credit by evaluation, and college-level equivalency examinations. All assessment methods used by the College require faculty review and oversight to determine that learning outcomes have been accomplished by determining acceptable test scores, appropriate equivalencies, special program requirements, or other academic considerations.
Additional Information:
- A maximum of 30 credit hours by any combination of examination, special articulation agreement, or evaluation will be accepted toward an associate degree; a maximum of 60 credit hours by any combination of examination, special articulation agreement or evaluation wil be accepted toward a bachelor's degree.
- A student must successfully complete at least one credit course at Yavapai College before any credit for prior learning will be documented on the College transcript.
- Duplicate credit will not be awarded for prior learning in subject matter for which the student has already received credit.
- Assessment for prior learning will not be administered for equivalency of courses numbered below 100.
- Credit will not be granted for more elementary course work or for a prerequisite to a course in which the student is enrolled or for which the student has already received credit.
- An official transcript or documentation of test scores must be sent directly to the Registrar from the administering agency or testing company prior to assessing eligibility for credit.
- The Yavapai College transcript will document only that credit for prior learning has been granted and the number of credits awarded. No letter grade will be assigned for any assessment of prior learning and no record will be made of unsuccessful assessments.
- While Yavapai College will award credit for prior learning in accordance with institutional policies and procedures, the credit is not necessarily transferable to other colleges and universities. Therefore, students are strongly advised to meet with a program advisor at the college or university they plan to attend.
- Credit for prior learning may impact financial aid awards. Therefore, students are strongly advised to meet with a financial aid advisor prior to pursuing assessment of prior learning.
- The student must pay any fees and adhere to approved administrative procedures for the prior learning assessment method selected. All fees are non-refundable.
Agency or Industry Certifications or Licenses
If you have any type of agency or industry certification, speak to your academic advisor to request a review of your certifications or licenses for possible earned college credit.
Examples include:
CPR certification, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), A+ Computer Certification, ASE Certifications, FAA Certifications
See full list of equivalencies at
Military Training and Experience:
ACE Military Registry Transcripts including AARTS (Army); SMART (Navy and Marine Corp); CCAF (Air Force); and CARTS (Coast Guard) can be considered. The student must request that the transcript be sent to Enrollment Services or electronically to: For more information: consult (check the information on "Related Links/Referrals" for other military branches of service).
- Credit awarded is not necessarily transferable to other institutions, and may impact financial aid awards. Students should meet with a financial aid advisor prior to pursuing assessment of military training.
Advanced Placement (AP) Table*
Students who have taken a college board advanced placement course in their secondary school may be eligible to receive YC credit. Listed are the AP subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.
Cambridge Assessment International Education (formerly CIE) Table
Listed are the Cambridge International AS & A levels accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.
Exam |
Score |
Credits |
YC Equivalent |
Accounting-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Accounting-A Level |
A*- E |
6 |
Elective Credit |
Biology-AS Level |
a - d
BIO 100 or Dept Elective
BIO 100 |
Biology-A Level |
A* - D
E |
4 |
BIO 181 & BIO 182
BIO 181 |
Business-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Business-A Level |
A* - E |
6 |
Elective Credit |
Chemistry-AS Level |
a - d |
4 |
CHM 130 |
Chemistry-A Level |
A or A*
B or C
D or E |
4 |
CHM 151 & CHM 152
CHM 151
CHM 130 |
Computer Science-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Computer Science-A Level |
A* - E |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Economics-A Level |
A* - D |
6 |
ECN 235 & ECN 236 |
English Language-A Level |
A* - E |
3 |
Elective Credit |
English Literature-A Level |
A* - E |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Geography-AS Level |
a - c |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Geography-A Level |
A* - C |
6 |
Elective Credit |
Global Perspectives & Research-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
Elective Credit
Global Perspectives & Research-A Level |
A* - E |
6 |
Elective Credit |
History-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
HIS Dept Elective |
History-A Level |
A* - E |
6 |
HIS Dept Elective |
Information Technology-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Information Technology-A Level |
A* - E |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Marine Science-A Level |
A* - D |
4 |
BIO Dept Elective |
Mathematics-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
MAT 152 or MAT 182 |
Mathematics-A Level |
A* - E |
8 |
MAT 182 & MAT 183 & MAT 212 |
Mathematics-Further-A Level |
A* - E |
13 |
MAT 220 & MAT 230 & MAT 167 |
Music-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
MUS 240 |
Music-A Level |
A* - E |
3 |
MUS 240 |
Psychology-A Level |
A* - E |
6 |
PSY 101 & PSY Elective |
Psychology-AS Level |
a - e |
3 |
PSY 101 |
College Level Equivalency Exams
College Level Examination Program examinations (CLEP) are administered by the Assessment and Testing Center. For information about the specific examinations administered and accepted by Yavapai College and fees involved, call 928.776.2200. For CLEP course titles and outlines of each course, go to
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Table
Students may earn credit by successfully completing CLEP examinations. Listed are the CLEP subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the credit awarded and the recommended Yavapai College equivalent. Only CLEP scores of 50 or better will be awarded credit (scoring exceptions are listed in the lower table). CLEP scores are not transferred to Yavapai College from another school's transcript. CLEP scores must be sent directly to the YC Registrar's Office.
Name of Exam |
Credits |
YC Equivalent |
Business |
Information Systems |
3 |
CSA 110 |
Introductory Business Law |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Financial Accounting |
3 |
ACC 131 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECN 235 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ECN 236 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
MGT 240 |
Composition & Literature |
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature |
3 |
Elective Credit |
College Composition |
3 |
ENG 101 or Elective Credit |
Education & Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Human Growth & Development |
3 |
PSY 245 |
Introduction to Educational Psychology |
3 |
EDU Dept Elective |
Introductory Psychology |
3 |
PSY 101 |
Introductory Sociology |
3 |
SOC 101 |
Science & Mathematics |
Biology |
3 |
BIO Dept Elective |
Chemistry |
4 |
CHM 151 |
College Algebra |
3 |
MAT 152 or MAT 182 |
Pre-Calculus |
5 |
MAT 182 & MAT 183 |
Calculus |
5 |
MAT 220 |
Spanish Language |
Score of 50 |
4 |
SPA 101 |
Listed below are the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subjects with scoring exceptions:
American Literature or English Literature |
Score of 55 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
History of the U.S. I |
Score of 56 |
3 |
HIS 231 |
History of the U.S. II |
Score of 56 |
3 |
HIS 232 |
Natural Sciences |
Score of 53 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Score of 56 |
6 |
Elective Credit |
Social Sciences & History |
Score of 56 |
6 |
Elective Credit |
Spanish Language |
Score of 55 |
8 |
SPA 101 & SPA 102 |
Score of 66 |
12 |
SPA 101 , SPA 102 & SPA 201 |
Score of 68 |
16 |
SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201 & SPA 202 |
Western Civilization I |
Score of 56 |
3 |
HIS Dept Elective |
Western Civilization II |
Score of 56 |
3 |
HIS Dept Elective |
DSST (formerly DANTES) Exam Table
DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program. Listed are the DSST subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.
Exam |
Minimum Score |
Credits |
YC Equivalent |
Computing and Information Technology |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Criminal Justice |
400 |
3 |
AJS 101 |
Environmental Science |
400 |
4 |
BIO 105 |
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Introduction to Business |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Introduction to Geography |
400 |
3 |
GEO 105 |
Introduction to Geology |
400 |
4 |
GLG 101 |
Introduction to Law Enforcement |
400 |
3 |
AJS 230 |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology |
400 |
3 |
PSY 245 |
Organizational Behavior |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Principles of Finance |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Substance Abuse |
400 |
3 |
PSY 241 |
Technical Writing |
400 |
3 |
Elective Credit |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Table
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, offered in select high schools, is a rigorous 2-year course of precollege studies leading to exams that can be used to qualify for college credit. Listed are the IB subject areas accepted by Yavapai College, the score required, the credit awarded and the recommended YC equivalent. Students should have their scores sent directly to the YC Registrar's office.
Exam |
Score |
Credits |
YC Equivalent |
Biology- HL |
5 or higher |
8 |
BIO 100
BIO 181 & BIO 182 |
Biology - SL |
5 or higher |
4 |
BIO Dept Elective
BIO 100 |
Business & Management - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Business & Management- SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Chemistry - HL |
5 or higher |
8 |
CHM 151
CHM 151 & CHM 152 |
Computer Science - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
CSC 105 |
Computer Science - SL |
4 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Economics - HL |
5 or higher |
6 |
ECN 235 & ECN 236 |
Environmental Systems & Societies |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Geography - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
GEO 105 |
Geography - SL |
4 or higher |
3 |
GEO Dept Elective |
History, Americas - HL |
5 or higher |
6 |
HIS 231
HIS 231 & HIS 232 |
History, Europe - HL |
5 or higher |
6 |
HIS Dept Elective
HIS Dept Elective |
Information Technology in a Global Society - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Information Technology in a Global Society - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
Language A:Literature- HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
ENG 101 |
Language A: Language & Literature - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
ENG 101 or Elective Credit |
Mathematics - HL |
5 or higher |
5 |
MAT 220 |
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches - HL |
5 or higher |
5 |
MAT 220 |
Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
MAT 142 |
Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
MAT 142 |
Music - HL |
4 or higher |
3 |
MUS 240 |
Music - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
MUS 240 |
Physics - HL |
6 or higher |
8 |
PHY 111
PHY 111 & PHY 112 |
Physics - SL |
6 or higher |
4 |
PHY 111 |
Psychology - HL |
5 or higher |
3 |
PSY 101 |
Social & Cultural Anthropology - HL |
4 or higher |
3 |
ANT 102 |
Social & Cultural Anthropology - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
ANT Dept Elective |
Spanish B - HL |
4 |
4 |
SPA 101 |
Spanish B - HL |
5 |
8 |
SPA 101 & SPA 102 |
Spanish B - HL |
6 |
12 |
SPA 101 & SPA 102 & SPA 201 |
Spanish B - HL |
7 |
16 |
SPA 101 & SPA 102 & SPA 201 & SPA 202 |
Sports, Exercise & Health Science - HL |
4 or higher |
3 |
EXW 152 |
Sports, Exercise & Health Science - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
EXW 152 |
Visual Arts - HL |
5 or higher |
6 |
ART 112
ART 110 & ART 112 |
World Religions - SL |
5 or higher |
3 |
Elective Credit |
State Authorization
The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions that offer distance education in a state where it is not physically located meet individual state requirements. The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. Arizona was approved as a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) state effective November 11, 2014. Yavapai College was approved as an Arizona member institution. Yavapai College adheres to the 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines for best practices in postsecondary distance education developed by leading practitioners of distance education and adopted by the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC). This regulation applies only to distance education courses for students who reside outside the state of Arizona.
Distance Education students outside of Arizona, after completion of the institution's internal complaint process, may appeal SARA related complaints to the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council (AC4).
The Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA approved institutions regarding non-instructional complaints for distance education students. Upon completion of the institution's and AC4's complaint process, a student may register a complaint with the Arizona SARA Council. Visit the AZ SARA Complaint Process website for more information. For students who are residents of states outside of Arizona, consumer inquiries also may be directed to the following Consumer Protection Agency of the state in which they reside.
Students can view the State Authorization website for more information.
Professional Licensure
Yavapai College provides disclosures through a good faith effort whether a degree or certificate program meets academic requirements for professional licensure or certification outside of Arizona. The Professional Licensure by State table identifies whether professional licensure:
- Meets applicable professional licensure requirements;
- Does not meet applicable professional licensure requirements; or
- Have not been able to determine whether a program meets the professional licensure requirements.
Please see the Notice to Students Regarding Professional Licensure and Certification for more information on the General Disclosure Statement (34 CFR 668.43).
Further information on State Authorization:
SUN (Shared Unique Number) System
The Shared Unique Number (SUN) System is a college course numbering system designed to help Arizona students plan their education and ensure successful transfer of course credits. The SUN System includes major courses having direct equivalencies at all three Arizona universities and the community college districts which offer them.
- SUN courses are identified by a three-letter prefix, four-digit course number, and a SUN icon
. These courses are labeled in university and community college catalogs, schedules, and websites, making it easy and immediate for students to find transferable courses.
- SUN courses are a subset of the tens of thousands of college courses that transfer among Arizona's colleges and universities. These courses and their equivalencies can be found in the searchable Course Equivalency Guide on
Because each student has a unique academic plan, they are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor prior to enrollment. For more information about SUN, including a list of SUN courses, visit