Mar 11, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
AVT 204 - Commercial Pilot Single-Engine Airplane Ground Description: Designed for students who are both private pilot and instrument flight rated for airplane flight and are seeking the commercial single engine pilot rating. Includes advanced airplane components, advanced aerodynamics and advanced performance.
Prerequisites: AVT 115
Credits: 2 Lecture: 2 Lab: 0
Course Content:
- Applicable Federal Aviation Regulations of this chapter that relate to commercial pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations
- Accident reporting requirements of the National Transportation Safety Board
- Basic aerodynamics and the principles of flight
- Meteorology to include recognition of critical weather situations, and the use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts
- Safe and efficient operation of aircraft
- Weight and balance computations
- Use of performance charts
- Significance and effects of exceeding aircraft performance limitations
- Use of aeronautical charts and a magnetic compass for pilotage and dead reckoning
- Use of air navigation facilities
- Aeronautical decision making and judgment
- Principles and functions of aircraft systems
- Maneuvers, procedures, and emergency operations appropriate to the aircraft
- Night and high-altitude operations
- Procedures for operating within the National Airspace System
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing the requirements of 14CFR Part 61.125(b). (1-15)