Feb 14, 2025
2024-2025 Yavapai College Catalog
VEN 201 - Science of Winemaking II Description: Chemistry of winemaking, wine analysis and quality control. Emphasis on wine composition, wine analytical techniques, and the relevance of these analyses to winemaking decisions. Includes wine filtration and post-fermentation wine stewardship. Must be 21 years of age or older to enroll.
Prerequisites: VEN 200
Credits: 3 Lecture: 2 Lab: 2
Course Content:
- Wine chemistry
- Wine spoilage and quality control
- Wine analytical techniques
- Wine filtration and reverse osmosis
Learning Outcomes:
- Analyze juice for: pH, titratable acidity, percent alcohol, and sulfite and acetic acid concentration. (1)
- Determine wine spoilage conditions and responsible microbes. (2)
- Implement wine preservation and quality control. (2)
- Describe wine filtration, wine filtration systems, and reverse osmosis. (3,4)
- Explain wine phenolic chemistry and anthocyanin co-pigmentation. (3,4)